
,MuseumofEndangeredSoundsfromCOMPUTER&TECHNOLOGYHISTORY·music·sonorization·audio·ui·interface.Moreinspiration ...,TheMuseumofEndangeredSoundsisasoundboardofdozensofsoundsfromoldtechnologies,fromtheICQmessagenotification(“uhoh!,The'museumofendangeredsounds'isanonlinearchiveofthearchaicnoisesoftechnology:theconnectingof56kmodems,loadingofVCRs,andoperatorsof ...,Awebsitethatpreservesandarchiv...

Museum of Endangered Sounds

Museum of Endangered Sounds from COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY HISTORY · music · sonorization · audio · ui · interface. More inspiration ...

The Museum of Endangered Technology Sounds

The Museum of Endangered Sounds is a soundboard of dozens of sounds from old technologies, from the ICQ message notification (“uh oh!

museum of endangered sounds

The 'museum of endangered sounds' is an online archive of the archaic noises of technology: the connecting of 56k modems, loading of VCRs, and operators of ...

The sweet sounds of obsolescence from the Museum of ...

A website that preserves and archives those beloved electronic and technological noises from our (or our children's) childhood.

Museum of Endangered Sounds

The Museum of Endangered Sounds is a website dedicated to preserving the sounds made famous by my favorite old technologies and electronic ...

The Museum of Endangered Sounds

1980s #sounds #vintage The Museum of Endangered Sounds is a really fun website where you can play sounds from the past - both from ...

What would you put into the Museum of Endangered Sounds?

The Museum Of Endangered Sounds is a website that collects famous and memorable sounds from obsolete technology such as video game systems and VHS video ...

A Museum For Endangered Sounds?

The site is dedicated to the old sounds of daily life, and while I wouldn't consider the sound of a nuclear power plant (according to their info) ...

Vinyl, VCRs, and Vintage TV Static Live on at the Museum of ...

Established online almost six years ago, the museum is an audio archive of 33 signature, iconic sounds that have mostly outlived their ...